2018 Halloween 长袜子皮皮,疯帽子,卷毛老师Frizzle神秘降临尚音校园

天呐?是谁这么大胆,把奶油派砸向帅帅的Liam老师和美丽的Becky老师?难道真有”熊孩子“不给糖就捣蛋吗?等等,为什么被砸的老师好像还很享受的样子??? Shang Yin celebrated another entertaining Halloween day! The Shang Yin “Character from a book”theme invited all students to dress up as their favourite character from any book. We saw it all! From Willy Wonka to Little Red Riding Hood.   原来,过去的一个月是我们的阅读挑战月,老师给孩子们设定了一个(艰巨的任务)Mission Impossible,如果所有学生的阅读时间总合超过250000分钟(去年的目标是150000分钟,几乎翻了一倍吧),那么孩子们就可以把奶油派砸向老师的脸。 为了鼓励孩子们养成阅读的习惯,老师们脑洞大开创意无限,在万圣节当天,他们“变身”成了书中角色。当“长袜子皮皮”“卷毛老师Frizzle”“疯帽子”“Mr.Wally”“The Lorax”来到尚音校园时,孩子们都兴奋地拉着这些“名人”合影,争先恐后地说出他们来自哪本书。快来看看,有你认识的吗? 在万圣节当天我们揭晓了最终的阅读时间,381000分钟!那是整整六千多个小时!等于43年啊~被采访的5B班Marcia同学激动地说:“你知道吗,我们现在读书都读疯了,每天一有空就开始读书”。老师们虽然被奶油咋成了“油腻的中年大叔”,心里却偷偷地乐开了花,孩子们,这就是老师要的效果啊。 In the afternoon, students from year 1 through grade…


Muscial Production “Cinderella”

4 months of practise made for 4 impressive performances on the SUIS ShangYin stage. Back in September, 3 ECA groups were formed. Wannabe actors auditioned for the Musical ECA led by Ms. Allison, Ms. Queena and Ms. Rebecca, while costume and set designers signed up with Ms. Joyce and Mr. Adam respectively. With that, the…


English Open Lessons

      This week the students enjoyed sharing and celebrating English language learning with their families! After the past six months of practising English reading, writing, listening, and speaking, it was very special for students to share what they do at school with the people they love. Many parents were able to join us…


Altschool Visiters

Last week we enjoyed hosting representatives, Max Ventilla and Jeff Lui, from the Silicon Valley’s AltSchool,. Let’s take a look at the general picture of Altschool first. AltSchool was founded in 2013 with Max Ventilla, who was one of the establisher of Google+. The executive team is mostly from GOOGLE and Uber. Recently, Mark Zuckerberg has…


Giving Tree 2017

Giving Tree Season has been another busy and rewarding one! For the past month, the Giving Tree committee along with the endless efforts of the assembly leaders of the student council have been working diligently to get prepared to give each child a special bag of warm clothing, school supplies, and a bespoke special gift…


Thrilling Halloween day!

Shang Yin celebrated yet another thrilling Halloween day! The Shanyin Spooktacular theme invited all students to dress up in costume; scary, funny, creative. We saw it all! Not only was the morning filled with Halloween classroom learning activities, but Shang Yin had its first ever Fashion Show. Students gathered in the music hall to watched…


Dec 8 winter concert

Students and teachers at Shang Yin have been very busy these pastmonths preparing for our annual winter concert. This year, every homeroom class chose a country to research and study. Students had the opportunity to learn about their countries history, geography, language, and people. They then took what they had learned and prepared a unique…


Dec15 International Day

On Friday, December 15th, Shang Yin students, parents, and staff celebrated International Day with this year’s theme of “Around the World in a Day!” Each homeroom class has been studying a particular country’s culture, history, and geography in order to support our school’s goal of fostering international mindedness in our students. Last week on Friday,…


English Challenge Day

This year Shangyin held its annual English Challenge Week from April 24th-28th.  This week allows students to celebrate all of the progress they have made in English, as well as review some topics that they have learned over the course of the year. Each day, students did activities which focused on a different area of…
