On Tuesday, March 14, the students and teachers of SUIS Shangyin searched through their wardrobes to find something pink to wear in order to celebrate Anti-Bullying Day! The students were taught a story about a young boy who was ridiculed for wearing the colour pink to school. But the next day his friend wore a pink t-shirt to show him support and stand up to the bullies. The next day every one wore pink to show they were against bullying too! This is why we show pink, to show love and support to our friends.
The day was celebrated in a number of different ways. First, the students wrote a message about what makes them special on a piece of pink paper, then turned it over and wrote a message about why it is important to be aware of bullying and prevent it in our school or what students can do to be nice to each other. These pieces of paper were made into vibrant paper chains and used to decorate the school, to show a united front against bullying! Next, the students wrote thoughtful messages to each other, which told what they liked about them and what makes them a special person. These messages were kept a secret and delivered on the day, along with a colourful heart-shaped lollipop! Each student was very excited and proud to receive a message of kindness and a small gift. There were lots of smiling faces in every classroom! Finally, the entire school joined outside in the playground to form a heart shape and take a picture, to symbolise love and friendship!
SUIS Shangyin decided to raise awareness of the important issue of bullying and teach the students how to handle a situation if it should arise. Of course, we all know that bullying can be a very damaging issue in a school environment and if not acknowledged and dealt with immediately it can lead to real unhappiness and prevent a student from learning. In homeroom classes the students learned the ‘WITS’ approach to bullying: W = Walk away, I = Ignore, T = Talk it out, S = Seek help. Now that the students can recite these four ways to stop bullying we hope that Shangyin can still be a happy and friendly place for our children to learn in.
Anti-Bullying Day was a huge success full of joy, laughter, smiles and candy! We hope it is a day the students will remember as a day when love was shared and happiness was celebrated.